I'am Nahid Hasan
make thing real on internet
I am a Full-stack web developer focused on building beautiful and high-performance system using cutting-edge technologies.
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About me.

Nahid Hasan Sagor

This is me Nahid Hasan. I am a full-stack web developer specializing in the MERN stack. I have been working with JavaScript, React, Node, and MongoDB for about 2 years. Create responsive and interactive web applications. Whether it's building a simple landing page or a complex e-commerce website, I enjoy turning ideas and concepts into reality through code. I'm passionate about writing clean, organized, and scalable code that works well and solves real problems. In my spare time, I enjoy learning about new technologies and frameworks. So if you have any web development needs, feel free to contact me. I would love to discuss your project and see how I can help make it a reality.



  1. javaScript(ES6)
  2. C/C++


  1. Node js
  2. Express js
  3. react/next js


  1. Mongo DB
  2. MariaDB/MySQL


  1. Linux
  2. VS code
  3. Git/Github
  4. PhotoShop



Boom is a e-commerce website.User can order food from this website.It is a single vendor website.

  1. next js
  2. MongoDB


Me.io is open source headless json api CMS.this api can store and serve portfolio data and custom json file.

  1. javascript
  2. node js/express
  3. EJS



software engineer

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